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week 31

1 Jun

It is so hard for me to believe I am at 31 weeks!  I can definitely say that pregnancy has been the fastest time of my life.  I know all you moms out there are probably saying “just wait.”  It’s just crazy because it seems like just last week we got the call of “congratulations”

Not only does today mark 31 weeks, but it also is the end of my first week of bedrest.  I know I don’t look very bedresty in these pictures (meaning the makeup and jewelry…oh and the standing up:).  My doctor approved me to go to my last baby shower, so I got to get out and about yesterday!  It was such a sweet shower at Jonathan’s work…more to come on it later.

Stats about week 31:
Total weight gain so far: exactly 30 lbs. since starting IVF.  The topic of gaining weight could be another post in itself, but right now I’m feeling pretty good about 30 lbs.  I figure it would be ideal to put on another 10 or so before the babies come, but we’ll see.  My doctor is always happy, so I guess I’m happy!

What I’m wearing these days: mostly skirts and Gap pure body t’s when we have company.  Yoga pants/shorts and a t-shirt otherwise.   I’ve stopped buying any maternity clothes, and now I’m trying to get a few things to feel good in once the babies get here.  Skirts with foldover/elastic waist bands, a few nursing camis, shirts that can be pulled down/to the side in the front.

Stretch marks? So far none, and I am keeping my fingers crossed.  I have always assumed I would get stretch marks, especially once I found out it was twins.  But so far so good.  Although I totally realize I could still have 6 or 7 weeks left, so the idea that I won’t get any might be unrealistic.  A girl can hope, though.

Sleep? Sleep is definitely going downhill because of more and more bathroom trips during the night.  I’ve been getting up pretty much every two hours.  I don’t really mind having to get up to go to the bathroom…but what really annoys me is when I can’t fall back asleep.  Although now that I’m on bedrest, I have plenty of time to catch up during the day, so it’s not that big of a deal.  I really do feel like I’m just preparing my body to be up throughout the night for feedings…and I’m totally fine with that!

Signs of Labor:  nope!  The doctor keeps asking me expectantly if I’m having any contractions (Braxton Hicks or otherwise), and I just keep saying no.  Given the issue of my shortening cervix and whatnot, I’m a bit surprised and super thankful that I’m not having contractions yet.  Let’s keep it that way, body!  I do sometimes wonder if I could be having them and I’m just not recognizing what they are…since I don’t know what they feel like and all.  But I know that’s probably really silly.

Symptoms:  Lots of round ligament and other pains.  Moving hurts.  That’s all.  I’m so happy that my swelling has gone away since being on bedrest though!  Unfortunately I never got a picture of how swollen my legs, ankles and feet were, but take my word for it…they were bad.  I couldn’t even recognize them any more.  Now they are completely back to normal, and I am eating it up!  I’m pretty sure Jon is sick of me admiring myself and talking about how nice it is to have my old legs back.  The best part has been getting to wear fun summer shoes the few times I have left the house.  The last week of school I was down to one lonely pair of flip flops that would actually go on my feet.  I even painted my own toenails this past week…which was an epic event.  I still can’t quite believe I was able to do it…pretty impressive methinks.  Oh, and a couple of symptoms I’m kind of (read: extremely) embarrassed to mention – constipation and hemorrhoids.  There, I said it.  Super awkward, but my reality right now.  I’m kind of bitter that not one person ever told me about the possibility of these two things.  They are like a force of evil, working together to  take over my life I think.
Baby items still left to buy:  the rest of our cloth diapers, cloth diaper approved diaper rash ointment (just in case!), Ergo carrier for the husband, one Boppy pillow (not an absolute necessity), cloth wipes/wipes holder and a couple of pack n’ play sheets (they’ll be sleeping in our room for a couple of weeks).   There are of course other things I’d really like to get before they come, but these are the things I feel like we really have to get.

Today my sweet mom is coming up to clean our house, help me start washing the babies’ clothes and organizing them, and she’s going to cook me a quinoa dish…I’m pretty excited.  The only thing that could make it better is if I could get up and help!  I guess you can’t win ’em all though.  I’m so so thankful to have family around that has done so much for us.

Yay for week 31!  Stay in there and keep growing, babies!

the packing list

30 May

Today was my first day of bedrest that was spent entirely at home alone (aside from a quick lunch visit from the husband).  I’m not going to lie – it got a little lonely.  I think the hardest thing about having to lay around all day is that I have way too much time to think!  Today most of my thinking involved hyper-analyzing my hospital packing list.

I think I’ve realized that I feel really out of control right now.  Everything I thought would be in my control…just isn’t.  Obviously things like organizing our house and going to childbirth classes and whatnot are not happening the way I thought they would.  I also had this ideal dream that the babies would be head down and would stay that way until time to deliver…but no such luck so far.  Not just one, but both of them are breach!  Naughty babies;)

So, subconsciously I’m taking the few things I can have control over and going crazy with them I guess you could say.  So here’s a quick rundown of my “work-in-progress packing list.”  I’ve done a lot of research and questioning of friends, but I’m still open to suggestions from all you experienced moms out there.  I also want to go ahead and establish the fact that I am an overpacker and an overplanner, and I seriously hyper-analyze things.  So, I will no doubt pack items I’m not absolutely sure I’ll need every single time over wishing I had something I didn’t take.  Better safe than sorry is my motto here.

Things for me:
breastpump (in case we have NICU time and I can’t nurse)
Belly Bandit – still researching this, but may be able to buy it from a friend.  Hello post delivery twin baby belly!
maternity yoga pants
nursing tops – so far I have 2 of these, this and this
big, comfy underwear I can throw away later
nursing bra
reusable nursing pads
nipple cream
hot/cold breast packs
comfy outfit to wear home
Tuck’s pads
Mama Bottom Balm
New Mama Bottom Spray
My Brest Friend twin nursing pillow – not sure if I need to take this?
my own pillow case
iPod / mini speakers
cozy socks
slippers to throw away when I leave – I’m sort of a freak about stuff like this
shower flip flops to throw away when I leave – see above:)
Say Yes to Cucumbers facial wipes – love these!

Okay, sadly that is just my part of the list…now for what I’m taking for the babies:
going home outfits – two preemie just in case and two newborn
2 hats for each baby
2 sleepers for each baby- no idea if this is enough
2 onesies for each baby
baby mitts – want to resist buying these, but don’t want to have scratched baby faces!
baby nail file
2 receiving blankets
2 swaddlers
1 pkg preemie/newborn diapers – we’re planning on using disposables the first week
comb/brush – in case they come out with tons of hair…which based on my heartburn level currently…
baby book/ journal

And last, but not least – for Jon:

I can’t imagine how I could possibly be forgetting anything. I haven’t actually started gathering this stuff yet, but at least I have a list ready in case something crazy happens (I’m a little paranoid after this last surprise) and my mom or Jon end up packing my bag.  Oh wait, that will probably happen anyway since I can’t leave the couch:/  We’ve been planning on getting a new car before the babies come because, well, while it’s likely possible that both carseats will fit in the Mini, once they’re in I don’t think half this other stuff is going to fit.  My twin breast feeding pillow takes up the entire trunk all on its own!

I feel like this week I’m finally making some good progress toward getting prepared.  Thank you notes are well underway, obviously the packing list is almost done and my mom is coming over on Friday to help me wash baby clothes and organize them in the nursery.  After much thought today, I’ve decided that this bedrest business must be part of the Lord’s plan to help me get used to accepting help from people.  I’m a bit of a control freak, and I don’t like to inconvenience people, so to have our friends come over and be so sweet to make dinner at our house while I sit and watch makes me cringe.  I know I need to get better about accepting help from people, especially because I’m going to need it once two little babies are filling my time!


Speaking of people helping, yesterday my Sunday School teacher’s wife visited me and brought the cutest little care package.  I just kept pulling stuff out thinking it was never going to be the end – homemade cookies, 3 books, a magazine, a candle, lotion, baby socks (!), etc. etc.  Totally made my day.

And then later our friends Ryan and Elyse and JJ and Seth came over for homemade pizza and cupcakes.  We were originally supposed to go to JJ and Seth’s house, but they agreed to bring the party to us since I couldn’t go…so nice.  They brought all the pizza ingredients, and we provided the cupcakes.  We were having a grand time until a sudden storm blew in.  Good ole’ Oklahoma.  We never even saw it coming, but suddenly there it was.  Elyse and Ryan had to rush home to get their dog inside, and the party fizzled a little early.  The good news is that just gives us reason for a redo!

More excitement ensues tomorrow with our fourth and final shower at Jon’s work.  It amazes me how generous people are and how much we’ve been blessed with help preparing for the twins already.  Babies, you are so loved!